Celebrating 20 Years!
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Today's Market Data
Meet our custom OpenAI Data Guru!
We trained Sparky as an expert in data science history.

Here's a fun fact, compliments of Sparky:
"The concept of "data democratization" gained traction in the late 2010s, pushing the idea that data should be accessible to the average end user as a part of organizational culture, without gatekeepers. This shift aimed to empower more informed decision-making throughout entire organizations. Around the same time, people were celebrating another kind of empowerment with the release of "Wonder Woman" in 2017, both championing the power of access, whether to data or superhero movie leads."

9Ware's Mission is To Maximize our Clients' Productivity and Profitability

Extensive Technical and Business Expertise
Premium Solutions with a Practical Approach
Small Firm Agility with Large Firm Experience
Some Fun Side Projects